Reporters Describes Obama''s Visit to Cuba as Historic

Hundreds of local and foreign reporters meet in this capital today to give coverage to the visit to Cuba of US President Barack Obama, an event considered historic not only by the involved countries, but also world nations.
Obama is the first U.S. president to visit this nation in about 90 years, and, above all, in favor of an economic and political rapprochement with the Caribbean country, recalled Notimex news agency general director Alejandro Ramos in a statement to Prensa Latina.
According to the Mexican expert, the arrival of the U.S. president confirms that there is willingness between the two nations to find ways of tolerance and solutions for aspects of common interest, despite the existence of very different visions.
Ramos also said that it represents a different stance by Washington towards Latin America.
In the case of Cuba, Ramos said that the Caribbean country is opened to a dialogue that brings possibilities to rapprochements in the economic and cultural sectors, but without relinquish to its legal demands as the end of the over 50-year-old U.S. economic, commercial, and financial blockade of Cuba.
For his part, Brazilian Marcelo Ninio, from Folha de Sao Paulo, considers that the event to which he gives coverage this Sunday is important and should have been made a long time ago.
From the press room opened at Habana Libre Tryp hotel on the occasion of the Obama's visit, the Brazilian reporter said that about 10 colleagues from his country are present for this historical moment, which will contribute to a better environment in Latin America.
Laura Becquer, from Cuban Granma daily, highlighted that for the first time a U.S. administration recognized a failure the political isolation towards Cuba, to which joined the Latin American pressure to include Cuba in the continental diplomatic mechanisms.
This event is also a result of the resistance of the Cuban people during over 50 years of blockade, a policy that is still in effect despite of this visit and the executive measures approved by the US administration, said Becquer.
For his part, Franco Ordoñez, from the US McClatchy editorial group, said that many US citizens are moved by the changes in relations between the two countries, and business people, and scientists see possibilities of exchange with Cuba.
Those criteria are shared by reporters from television channels, radio stations, news agencies, and Internet websites, who arrivfe in Cuba various days ago to follow the U.S. president's activities.
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