United States: Shocking Crime Record

The New York Times shocked many a few days back when they updated that thorny issue.
They even wrote “it reached its highest in the last 20 years."
It quoted the statement of a spokesman from the repressive forces in New Orleans, Michael S. Harrison, who admitted they can no longer solve the situation.
To clarify his ideas he added that many of the murders take place indoors or cars.
According to Harrison, in the first eight months of the year there was a boost of homicides in several regions of the United States.
For example, in Milwaukee, 76% more than in the same period of last year, in St. Louis 60%, and in Washington a 44%.
Zack Beauchamp, expert on the matter, commented on August 27 that the crime rate in the U.S. is not higher to that of the rest of developed countries.
But, he warned, they can be more lethal, as when in 2012 the 29,7% of crimes were lethal.
A study published in 1999, by two professors from the university of Berkeley, Franklin Zimring, and Gordon Hawkins, contributed with interesting data in this respect.
Its strength in 2015, say his colleagues and other experts, still seems irrefutable.
The work of these professors named Crime is not the problem, and in its pages demonstrate that "most homicides cases occur starting from arguments among acquaintances."
A recent New York Times article, signed by Match Smith and Mónica Davey, estimates that we are witnessing a "strong turnaround" of cases where boys from poor neighborhoods turn to violence to solve their conflicts.
Specialists like Richard Rosenfeld, from the University of Missouri-St.Louis, think just like Zimring and Hawkins that the origin of the tragedy lies in the hundreds of millions of weapons in the private hands circulating in the United States.
Since it’s really easy to acquire them, - they add - any fight, even potential, can spin into a murder.
The tendency has not reached yet cities like Los Angeles or Newark, but "in several urban areas" it advances toward that from the 80’s and 90’s, thanks to a "towering number of weapons."
The White House spokesman, Josh Earnest, admitted a few days back at a press conference the lack of a legislation that can eliminate violence in the United States.
Although, he manifested, that there are common sense measures that can only be approved by the Congress.
Serious place to which, as it has been openly revealed, hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars have arrived to finance electoral campaigns for a few of its members.
The latter have been disclosed by political personalities like the former democratic president William Clinton, until decent journalists that still exist there.
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