Cuba and China Relations Are at a High Level, Diaz-Canel


Cuba and China Relations Are at a High Level, Diaz-Canel
Fecha de publicación: 
4 September 2015
Imagen principal: 

Political, commercial and economic relations between Cuba and China are at a high level, said here today the first vice president of the Councils of State and Ministers of the Caribbean country, Miguel Diaz-Canel.

In statements to Prensa Latina minutes before leaving this ancient nation, the Cuban vice president expressed his satisfaction at having participated in events to celebrate the Day of Victory of China on September 3.

We had a commitment to participation, representation in our people in commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the end of the world anti-fascist war, he said.

Diaz-Canel considered that the fact of having participated in the military parade is a very important to better understand the history of this people and the reality of that stage that must be present in memory of the present world opportunity.

Both the parade and the speech given by President Xi Jinping are two events that had an impact and universal and significant impact at a time when it makes a call to peace in the world to achieve a different international order, he said.

In taking stock of his brief stay in this country, he said that along with the accompanying delegation, displayed an intense schedule also evaluating aspects of the bilateral relationship.

We have tried to global issues in which we have a convergence of views, we have reviewed the entire framework of cooperation, especially the involvement of the Chinese government in a group of programs that we have projected for 2016/2020, he said.

In conclusion considered that the status of both political and commercial and economic links between Beijing and Havana are at a high point.

We are very satisfied and I also want to recognize all the love to the Cuban

people, our leaders and our government, we have received by the population and the Chinese government during our stay here, finalized.

Diaz-Canel also visited the Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression just hours of his arrival in the capital, where he was received by Vice President Li Yuanchao, and Premier Li Keqiang on the anniversary 55 the establishment of the Cuba-China ties.

The high level delegation includes Deputy Foreign Minister Rogelio Sierra and the Ambassador of Cuba in this country Alberto Blanco.

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