Cuba Remembers Restart of Struggles for Independence

The Cubans are celebrating today the 122nd anniversary of the resumption of the unfinished battle to conquer their independence from the Spanish metropolis, known for historiography as the Necessary War.
That day, the veterans of the so-called Ten Years' War (1868-1878), also known as the Great War, and The Little War (La Guerra Chiquita-1879-1880), as well as the new patriotic generations, attended the call to arms for independence.
On December 8, 1894, Jose Marti drafted and signed the uprising plan in Cuba, along with Colonels Mayia Rodriguez, representing Dominican Maximo Gomez, elected since 1884 as General in Chief of the Liberating Army, and Enrique Collazo, on behalf of the country's patriots.
The period known as the 'Tregua Fecunda' (Fecund Truce/inter war period) was between both wars, during which Jose Marti, main organizer of the war in 1895, managed to reunite the patriots around the Cuban Revolutionary Party, with the express purpose of founding 'the new indispensable Republic to the American balance.'
Although the victory was snatched by the intervention of the United States, facilitated among other things by the fall in combat of agglutinating political-military leaders such as Antonio Maceo and Jose Marti, the war was the scene for the teaching for later times from the political-military viewpoint, especially as regards the need for a single command.
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