WMO data sharing through WIS 2.0

WMO data sharing through WIS 2.0
Fecha de publicación: 
18 April 2024
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Real-time data sharing is crucial for the World Meteorological Organization. It not only underpins the accuracy of weather forecasts and enhances global cooperation, but also supports vital early warning systems, aids climate research, delivers significant economic and safety benefits, and enables Earth system monitoring. 

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With WIS 2.0, we are stepping into a future where predicting and preparing for weather-related events, tracking changes in the environment, and contributing to climate research will be more efficient and effective than ever before.

The third session of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure, and Information Systems, INFCOM-3, decided to significantly advance the new WMO global data sharing system, WIS 2.0, which will become operational at the beginning of next year. 

Preparation of the WIS 2.0 operational phase

INFCOM is actively working towards assisting WMO Members in their preparations to share observation data in real-time with various initiatives. As part of its efforts, INFCOM is building a robust global infrastructure comprising of reliable global services to support real-time data sharing. Additionally, INFCOM is providing guidance to Members on how to transition from the current data exchange systems to the next generation of data sharing facilities. To further facilitate this transition, INFCOM is also offering open-source software and training to the WMO Centres located in all WMO Member countries. Overall, INFCOM is committed to supporting WMO Members in their endeavors to share observation data in real-time, thereby enhancing global weather forecasting and warning services.

INFCOM has commended the impressive participation of Members during the pilot phase conducted last year. Currently, over 50 countries are exchanging data in real-time, with the majority using the WIS2 in a box software and participating in training sessions organized by WMO.

Evolution of WIS 2.0 to support sharing of big data and AI 

WMO is taking steps to advance its data infrastructure capabilities by establishing a Study Group on Future Data Infrastructure. This group aims to identify technological advancements in data exchange, with a particular emphasis on Big Data and AI, and articulate directions and opportunities for WMO Members. 

The study group will also identify obstacles within the community and develop solutions to mitigate them, explore principles of sustainability and business models for these new environments, and focus on the challenges faced by Big Data Centres in sharing their content with all WMO Members. 

By establishing the Study Group on Future Data Infrastructure, WMO aims to ensure that its Members can take advantage of the latest technologies and best practices in data exchange, allowing them to provide more accurate and timely weather and climate information to their respective communities.

Partnership with the industry to provide standards for data collection from sensors

WMO and the HydroMeteorological and Environmental Industry have established a partnership on the standardization of data collection, aiming to offer significant benefits to WMO Members and the wider environmental community. This collaboration enhances interoperability, allowing WMO Members to seamlessly share, compare, and integrate meteorological data across various systems, supporting global weather and climate initiatives. Standards reduce costs by simplifying procurement, maintenance, and system integration, making these processes more competitive and economical. Improved data quality from standardization enhances the effectiveness of early warning systems and disaster response strategies, helping to save lives and minimize economic losses during natural disasters. Additionally, the standardized framework fosters research and technological advancements by facilitating collaborative studies and encouraging the development of new technologies that are compatible with established standards, driving scientific discoveries and innovation in meteorological tools.

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