U.S.-Elections: Will Trump Return?


U.S.-Elections: Will Trump Return?
Fecha de publicación: 
21 August 2021
Imagen principal: 

The New York newspaper commented this Wednesday that new polls show a setback by President Joe Biden.

The Rasmussen Reports investigation showed that if the presidential election were to happen now, the winner would be former President Donald Trump.

The newspaper highlights that "the majority of voters would not vote to re-elect President Joe Biden, and a significant number of those who voted for him in 2020 now regret his election."

For its part, the Real Clear Politics news site also values ​​that if the elections were carried out immediately, 37% would vote for Biden, 43% for former President Donald Trump and 14% for some other candidate.

A Gallup poll confirms that Biden's average approval rating is below 50%, the lowest during his term in office.

In addition, Reuters-Ipsos showed him with 46% last Tuesday, when relating him to the chaos in Afghanistan.

The aforementioned New York newspaper believes ​​that Biden is currently facing the increasing COVID-19 cases, the increase in immigrants on the border with Mexico and the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan.

And it points out that Donald Trump takes advantage of this situation to attack his opponent.

Experts believe that although surveys are not equivalent to absolute truths, neither what they show can be ignored.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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