The State Computer Services Application Enterprise Development


The State Computer Services Application Enterprise Development
Fecha de publicación: 
17 November 2020
Imagen principal: 

The policy for the strengthening and development of the State Computer Services Application was recently approved, and it will certainly improve the computerization of the Cuban society, as well as the technological sovereignty, especially the related processes of that sector and the digital transformations of the economy.

The local ministry of communication and other institutions of the state administration are analyzing the requests shown by 10 institutions that are trying to get the new administration model for the strengthening and development of the State Computer Services and Applications enterprise nationwide.

The principal of the computer industry of the Communications Ministry, Ernesto Vallín Martínez, confirmed it has been received 10 requests from the local enterprises ETI, TECNOMATICA, DESOFT AICROS, DATAZUCAR, CINESOFT, SITRANS, DATYS, SOFTEL and ATI of which 8 of them have been assessed and accepted for the continuity of that process.

To assess the fulfillment of the established parameters, it was taken into account the information provided in 2019, as well as the estimated closure in 2020, and the projection until 2023.

One of those parameters to grant that local model is about the exportation theme by the State Computer Services and Applications enterprises, and this has experienced the highest difficulty, given it is an old goal of the industry in Cuba.

From those 9 parameters, having a high working productivity is the biggest challenge for their fulfillment, including Its exportation sales and effective substitution of applications and services and planning part of those incomes to the research, development and innovation.

At the same time, using the highly skill workforce, the percent of university students in relation to the 50% of the total of workers, the high skill parameter expressed through the percent of doctors, PHD´s in science, postgraduate specialists, national or international professional certified staff in computer specialties , as well as basing their main operations in tangible assets with a higher presence of the intellectual capital to introduce innovating computer products and services in the market of technological improvements that reduce costs or increase the related productivity.

It is important to have records on the intellectual property, and keeping high standards, according to the Cuban Model on Quality for the Computer Application Development (MCDAI). This policy tries to encourage the state computer applications and services enterprises to export, substitute importations and could be part of the productive chain, along with the possibility of using foreign investment that could be technologically capitalized through their results.

In addition, it is planned to make more flexible the economic and financial administration of those institutions by allowing them a higher autonomy, the salary distribution, as well as achieving a better use of the workforce.

The six norms issued allow the increase of the administration, performance and efficiency of those institutions, as well as encouraging the researching activity, development and innovation ones, therefore, it would be necessary a cooperation among those enterprises, universities and researching centers.

That policy is about the characteristic of that kind of enterprises characterized by the intense use of knowledge, being the people the main element for the materialization of the related products, contents and digital services which impact all the sectors of the society and the economy. Therefore, the administration and simplification of the processes is the main tool.

The change of paradigms in the computerization of the Cuban society leads to also modify the administration of the State Computer Services and Applications enterprises, especially in the way of making traditional the new methods which encourage that sector´s productive forces by conceiving an intense development of the researching projects, development and innovation for the generation of products that might be exportable prospects.

Norms that regulates that policy

The six legal norms which articulate the main aspects of the policy about the salary treatment to opt for the administrative model, an easy process in terms of the tax treatment, legal and salary recognition, and the workers’ professionalism of that kind of enterprises.

The Ministry of Communications, Labor and Social Security Ministry, Financial and Prixes Ministry, Ministry of Higher Education and Culture are participating.

This policy contribute to the strengthening and development of the State Computer Services and Applications enterprise, especially the development of Cuban industry of Programs and Applications, which approve the professional categorization, and through that model, they should use a tight financial system for the effective exportation and substitution, along with the objective of favoring those enterprises in the first 5 years of that model´s application.

It is promoted the use of the flexible hours and the digital work, and it is established the workers´ payments due to their performance used according to the norms on time, complexity and the established quality requirements by the enterprise through related studies on that work.

The enterprise can use quality standards in the development of applications, and the computer services through the Cuban Quality Model for the Computer Application development or other equivalent quality models.

The application of state enterprises of which their main activity include partial or complete researching, development, innovation, distribution and commercialization of systems, applications and computer services.

 It is expected a positive impact in the short run due to the systematic incorporation of applications and services for the exportation and the effective substitution of importation, as well as the increase of the productivity, cost reduction and the improvement of the process quality from the use of the computer applications.

It would contribute to the staff retention through the salary improvement supported by the productivity, efficiency, and the workforce´s professional specialization.

It would promote new business models from the use of the advanced technologies in the TIC (Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the cloud computing science).

Those ones which opt for the new administration model must have the following parameters:

  • Having a high productivity of the average work of their exportation sales, and the effective substitution of applications, and/or higher or similar computer services of up to 10% in the first three years, and increasing up to 5% each year
  • To use part of the total sales of up to 10% to the related research, development and innovation
  • Having a working productivity from the annual Added Value, which was higher or equal to 50.000 CUP
  • Having a proportion of the 20% in the staff for the supportive activities in relation to the one used in the enterprise´s main activities.
  • Using the highly skilled workforce and more that 50% must be university students in relation to the total of workers
  • Having a highly skilled staff of doctors, science teachers, postgraduate specialists, professional personal certificate in computer specialties (national or foreign ones) higher or similar to 10% in relation to the total of university workers by increasing that number up to a 5% each year.
  • Basing their main operations in intangible assets with the predominance of the intellectual predominance for the introduction of products and innovating computer services in the market or technological improvements which decrease costs or increase the productivity.
  • Having the intellectual property records (patents, copyrights, industrial secret, brands, among others), increasing up to one since the second year     The new norms establish a differentiated management model, use of salary, planning and investment and intellectual property by offering a higher autonomy for the State Computer Services Application Enterprises

 By Hilia Tamayo Batista

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