A Plague in Theaters
In all Cuban theaters, before the start of each presentation, attendees are requested to turn off or at least silence their cell phones... and yet, in many, many performances and concerts, the bells and alarms sound untimely... that cellphone owners take time to silence.
And more than once it has been the case that someone replies.
It has to do with the loss of certain notions of civility and discipline, which do not find an adequate institutional response.
At what point was it normalized that people could enter theater rooms carrying food and drinks? Why is it allowed to eat and drink even in the middle of shows?
And one thing leads to another: when the public leaves the room, the garbage is left on the seats and aisles.
Sometimes children are seen running around the room... in presentations not thought for children's audiences. And despite the fact that a certain dress code is required, there are those who wear shorts and slippers.
What will it be next? What will be the answer?
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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