'People Had to Die for You to Come', Ecuadorians Shout to Lasso

The inhabitants of a city affected by a landslide greeted President Guillermo Lasso with shouts of rage and disapproval.
On Monday night, Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso arrived in Alausi City where the rains on Sunday produced a huge landslide that left 16 dead, 7 people missing, 500 citizens affected, and 163 homes destroyed.
The inhabitants of this city located in the province of Chimborazo were outraged by the presence of the far-right politician, whom they received with shouts of rage and disagreement.
"There are people living on the street. They were left without a family", "People had to die for you to come, wretches" and "Now he does come. Shameless thief", were some of the phrases that the citizens shouted in rejection of the Lasso's presence.
A tense situation arose for several minutes as the police sought to neutralize the citizens who were trying to violently approach the presidential vehicle.
The tweet reads, "The patience of the citizens is running out! People denounced the inefficiency of the Governor of Chimborazo and the Mayor of Alausi. 'They walk around with our money and they have done nothing in Alausi, other than coming to the neighborhoods to take pictures' they shout."
People continued to vehemently express their discontent while Lasso was meeting with local authorities in a building that remained heavily guarded by police and military.
On social networks, citizens posted videos showing military commanders asking the inhabitants of Alausi to remain calm and not try to enter the building.
After the meeting, President Lasso had to leave heavily escorted in the midst of an angry crowd that kept trying to get as close as possible to him and his entourage. The shouts against the far-right politician did not subside.
The indignation of the people had a very concrete antecedent. Months ago, the inhabitants of Alausi informed the authorities about the risk situation that the existing geological fault in their city could generate, especially in the rainy season.
The tweet reads. "The media do not report this. Alausi booed Lasso. The local media were not authorized to enter the meeting with the President. The people are crying out for solutions and still do not have an answer."
The Lasso administration and subnational authorities, however, did not respond to the warning, despite the fact that they had sufficient time to do so.
In an attempt to calm things down, Lasso promised that he would correct the problems in the shortest possible time, adding that "this is not the time to establish personal responsibilities." And this justification inflamed people even more.
Currently, Lasso faces the possibility of being dismissed through an impeachment procedure, on whose legal relevance the judges of the Constitutional Court must rule this week.
The eventual impeachment was prompted by a scandal related to police investigations that could link President Lasso to illegal operations in which the Albanian mafia would be involved.
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