Maduro Puts in Evidence the Ultra-Right as a Threat for the Whole World


Maduro Puts in Evidence the Ultra-Right as a Threat for the Whole World
Fecha de publicación: 
1 October 2024
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During the program “Con Maduro+”, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, accused the ultra-right of having intentions to overthrow his Colombian counterpart, Gustavo Petro, of conspiring against the stability of his country.

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Maduro stressed that “the same ultra-right who wants to assassinate me is the one who plans to eliminate Petro,” alluding to the international pressure facing the Colombian government.

“He paid with millions of drug trafficking, a little over $11 million,” the head of state said, assuring that this equipment was used by Duque to spy in Colombia, Venezuela and much beyond.

The president warned about the deadlines imposed by the United States and paramilitary groups to destabilize the government of Petro before 2025.

He also claimed that his goal is to use Colombia as a bastion to attack the Bolivarian Revolution.

“Let’s not call ourselves deceptions; behind all the plans against Venezuela and Petro there is a same conspiracy that is directed from the United States,” he emphasized.

The head of state also called on the Colombian people to remain alert to these threats and urged not to allow the ultra-right to reinstate a hostile government in Colombia.

“Venezuela is at peace and growing, and we will continue to do so in the coming years,” he said.

On the other hand, the president also referred to former presidential candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, calling him “coward” for having sought asylum in the Netherlands Embassy after not recognizing the election results.

Maduro expressed concern about the possible flight of González Urrutia and the ultra-rightist María Corina Machado, suggesting that they might both be preparing to leave the country.

Finally, Maduro questioned the legitimacy of an oath that González Urrutia plans to hold in Madrid, raising doubt about who will be held this act.

Before which Assembly is it going to swear?” he asked, highlighting the history of deception of the Venezuelan right.

Milei: Capitalism and Fascism

He also recalled that the anarcho-capitalist of Milei led, in just 11 months, to 40% poverty, millions of Argentines. “And this is the project of wild capitalism, fascism, that’s why Milei is a financier for María Corina Machado and Edmundo González Urrutia”.

The Venezuelan president denounced, once again, that Milei from the Argentine treasury, paid millions of dollars of the espionage budget to finance the alleged electoral pretensions of the Venezuelan ultra-right, specifically to the terrorist activities of the so-called “comanditos” who intended to cover Venezuela with violence after the re-election victory on July 28.

“It’s the Zionist project. Milei is an agent of Zionism, worked through social networks, and his project is to destroy Argentina; the Argentine people says it and reality, destroy the state, that Argentina has no state, as well as the Argentinian justice is colonized by gringos, The destruction of the economic apparatus and social rights of Argentines, starting with public education, ending it, as well as Argentinean science and technology, which are among the most advanced in Latin America”, he summarized.

“That project is to end Argentina, which is one of the precious jewels of South America, for its history, for its strength, and the character of its people,” he concluded.

President Maduro: We are Living the End of Western Domination

“We are living the end of Western domination, of the colonial world, we are living the beginning of a new world and they react to bombs”, said the constitutional president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, when he denounced that the US government. and Israel intend to attack the Arab and Muslim peoples and governments with illegal and criminal bombings.

“For the first time in history, bombings against civilians were ordered from New York, the headquarters of the United Nations, and the world is silent,” he denounced.

“It is the same impunity with which acted Mussolini, Franco, Hitler, fascism that wants to return, but will not. Because it is the beginning of the end of this world of deceit and imperialism”.

In response to questions about the functioning of the UN, President Maduro lamented that the UN system has entered “a vacuum and a process of attrition, we might call. We have already had several years of the southern countries questioning the UN, because the decision-making bodies are banned, manipulated and I would say also colonized”.

“I told Secretary Guterres: unfortunately the key spokesmen of the UN end up playing against peace and against the interests of the peoples of the world”. He reported that the UN secretary, António Guterres, is already aware of the evidence and evidence provided by Venezuela on the destabilization attempts by the US.

He denounced that, before the UN, Venezuela has denounced this open and live-streamed terrorist war to colonize the Arab and Muslim world and seize its energy wealth.

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