Italy strengthens ties with Mexico by restitution of artefacts

The recent restitution by Italy to Mexico of more than 100 archaeological pieces stolen from that country, shows how much space is left to deepen the cooperation between both nations, a statement says today.
A note published on the official website of the Italian Foreign Ministry highlights the presence of Giorgio Silli, Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, who highlighted the transcendence of this return, the eighth one made by Italy to that nation.
Previously, in March 2023, the Italian high official delivered in Mexico City another forty pre-Columbian archaeological finds seized after their illegal introduction in Italy.
Silli emphasized that the act of last Wednesday, in which the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs of the Aztec nation, María Teresa Mercado, participated “is framed in the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the bilateral relations and constitutes one more confirmation of the excellence, amplitude and strength of the Italian-Mexican relations”.
The activity took place at the headquarters of the Mexican Embassy in Rome, and was attended by the head of that diplomatic mission, Carlos García de Alba, as well as by General Francesco Gargaro, commander of the Carabinieri Cultural Heritage Protection Command (TPC), the entity that carried out the delivery of the pieces.
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