Immunology Center in Cuba focuses on international collaboration


Immunology Center in Cuba focuses on international collaboration
Fecha de publicación: 
14 January 2025
Imagen principal: 

On the eve of Cuban Science Day, the Immunology and Biological Products Center at the University of Medical Sciences maintains a line of agreements that today promote international projects.

After touring the institution that is part of the Academic Vice-Rectorate of the university, Prensa Latina was able to learn the details of a program that looks to Europe.

The details were provided by the graduate in Pharmacology, Gerardo Brunet, who also thanked the master’s degree provided by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of Camagüey for his knowledge.

“Among the programs we can say that we have plans directed to the study and production based on medicinal plants,” explains the interviewee.

“It is not a secret that drugs are in short supply, so we found an alternative with natural medicine that is therapeutic.”

He also argued for the collaboration with the Association of Sugar Technicians and the Delegation of Agriculture, “and we have a Network of Medicinal Plants, officially known as such at a scientific level in Cuba.”

“And we focus on an international projection that allows us to use and endorse these products for the population.”

“An example of the above is the agreement between the University of Medical Sciences and Aboca (a laboratory of natural supplements for the care of the body), an Italian company with extensive technology.

“The company donated high-impact, first-class, natural medicines for digestive ailments and disorders in pediatric ages and these are already being used by our population,” said the doctor.

“We identify vulnerable sectors and direct the results of joint research to institutions for children and elderly patients. We have had two donations from Aboca for a year and a half now,” said Brunet.

The specialist, who is in charge of almost twenty researchers, most of whom are doctors in Science, also explained that samples of the caña santa plant have been sent to the Italian institution.

“The Center has approved a sectoral project focused on the study and application of caña santa, a plant that has properties for the treatment of arterial hypertension,” argued the interviewee.

“We have already sent physical and chemical analyses to Italy; studies on the metabolites it has, to determine if there is therapeutic consistency. We know what it contains but not how many metabolites to determine this factor, and give added value to caña santa.”

Beyond the scientific capacity and the tribute of knowledge, a considerable contribution to the Cuban economy, providing services to the population is also part of the line of work of the Center for Immunology and Biological Products, an emblematic institution of the Antillean science.

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