Hotel Saratoga: Solidarity and Love Throughout Cuba

"Solidarity among men and solidarity among peoples can only be conceived in socialism and can only be understood in socialism", were Fidel Castro’s words at the Ninth Forum of Science and Technology, (Havana, 1974).
Today that solidarity grows, as a result of the events at Saratoga hotel in Havana, with the support provided by other provinces of the country as a consistent example of what our people are capable of.
At a recent interview with Daniel López Trujillo, delegate for the 13th Circumscription of "Vivian Alonso" Popular Council in Güira de Melena municipality, in Artemisa province, we learned about his experience at the site of the accident.
"From the moment of the events, the Red Cross, in joint work with the authorities of the provincial government, activated the groups that would provide rescue and rescue services in the area affected by the devastating accident."
"Initially, from Güira de Melena municipality, 6 people accompanied by another group of 6 from San Antonio de los Baños, who arrived at the hotel around 2 p.m. that day."
"Once there, we put ourselves at the service of the members of the Red Cross from Old Havana municipality and we were placed in the different sectors where they were going to work, complying with all the protection measures. This is how we began the rescue efforts of the people trapped under the rubbles".
“The task was carried out in coordination between the Red Cross rescue teams and the Fire Department, all became a single team regardless of province or municipality, to work as a whole and with a single objective, which was and is, to save human lives since the first moment of the tragedy”.
The also delegate of the Municipal Assembly of Güira de Melena, President of the Agro-Food Commission of the municipality and Member of the Municipal Committee of the Party tells us that this experience has marked his life for good; witnessing up close each loss of human life, the crying, the pain of families, of the people in general is and will be an experience that will never be erased from his memory.
On the other hand, it compensates the hope of still finding a survivor under the rubble and break the news to his family. Also the countless signs of love through blood donations and volunteers who came to the site of the accident to lend a hand regardless of the risks they were exposed.
Both López Trujillo and other colleagues, the Red Cross determined, in the afternoon of May 9th, to send him back to their homes due to the continuous excess of work that prevented them from even celebrating Mother's Day, although he confesses that being away from his family, with the risk of not returning because the danger was always there, could only be compensated with the realization of safely delivering a son back to a mother.
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