Floral offerings from Raul and Diaz-Canel to fighters of the Las Villas Front


Floral offerings from Raul and Diaz-Canel to fighters of the Las Villas Front
Fecha de publicación: 
13 October 2022
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Santa Clara, October 13 (Prensa Latina)-- Floral offerings by Army General Raúl Castro and Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel accompanied here today the burial ceremony of 26 combatants of the Las Villas Front, in this city in the center of the country.

In the ceremony, presided over by the Commander of the Revolution Ramiro Valdés, honors were paid, inside the mausoleum attached to the Ernesto Che Guevara sculpture complex, to soldiers and officers fallen during the war of liberation or after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

The first secretary of the Communist Party of Villa, Osnay Miguel Colina, expressed in the central words that the people of Santa Clara is honored to receive the remains of those combatants, who from now on will rest in this historical site where the remains of Commander Ernesto Guevara and his comrades of the guerrilla in Bolivia in 1967 also rest.

Gresa Choy, daughter of one of the fallen said today to Prensa Latina that this is a day of great sadness, but at the same time of pride for having a father like General Armando Choy who, first exposed his life in the war and then worked and defended with enthusiasm the Cuban revolutionary process.

The mausoleum in front of Las Villas was inaugurated by the historic leader of the Cuban revolution Raul Castro on October 8, 2009, and currently 138 ossuaries house the remains of the fallen, deposited in burial mounds.

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