Firefighters museum in Matanzas plans a room on fire at supertanker base

The workers of the Enrique Estrada Firefighters Museum are working on compiling historical memory, we are already thinking of a room for the fire at the supertanker base, the biggest technological disaster faced by the Fire Brigade of Cuba, said Biolexi Ballester Quintana, director of the institution.
There is a lot of historical memory linked to those who are missing, to all those who risked their lives, who are very great because you have to see the heartbreaking anecdotes of those who managed to get out of the incident, of those who are injured, and not only that they managed to get out but that they went out and came in again and again, she stressed.
The Varadero Airport Command has six firefighters missing, it is the first time in the history of the Cuban Fire Brigade that in a single event six people from the same team have disappeared like that and that is strong for us and for those who provide the service there at the Airport that cannot be stopped and that is where the help from other countries has come in, Ballester Quintana emphasized.
Now it is time to collect all the testimonies, images, assessments, because it is about history, we are in function of that, to collect the memory, but it tears and at the same time it gives courage and stimulates you to continue seeing those boys who were there, and who want to return, the director concluded.
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