Delegates approve draft resolutions of the 8th Party Congress

Delegates to the 8th Party Congress approved on Saturday the draft resolutions corresponding to the working commissions, which will be submitted for consideration in plenary session this Sunday on the third day of the party meeting.
The program also included a segment for those attending the conclave to express their opinions on the Central Report, which was presented this Friday by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, and in which a deep analysis is made of the fundamental tasks undertaken by the militancy in the last five years and the main work projections.
Several delegates agreed in pointing out that it is a document that makes timely comments on important processes of the Revolution at the present time and summons all party members to participate in the solution of the problems.
This Saturday, during the debates of Commission No.3 on the Cadres Policy, chaired by Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, member of the Political Bureau and President of the Republic, the draft Strategy for its implementation in the period 2021-2026 was presented.
The document sets out seven strategic objectives aimed at strengthening the leading role of the Party in the implementation of the Cadres Policy and introduces novel elements such as the creation of a research program on leadership activity and a unique system for the preparation and improvement of cadres.
The proposal to update the Guidelines of the economic and social policy of the Party and the Revolution for the period 2021-2026 was the focus of the debates held this Saturday by the delegates gathered in Commission No. 1, Economic and Social, chaired by Manuel Marrero Cruz, Prime Minister.
As a result of the updating of the guidelines approved at the 7th Congress, it is proposed to maintain 17, modify 165, delete 92 and add 18, which would make a total of 200, subject to evaluation by the delegates.
A draft resolution on the updating of the Conceptualization of the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development was also analyzed at that working session.
In Commission No.2 on the functioning of the Party and ideological work, chaired by José Ramón Machado Ventura, Second Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, the debate dealt with topics such as the teaching of History, social communication, the strengthening of the educational teaching process, the relationship of the universities with the communities and women's emancipation.
This Sunday, the sessions of the party meeting will continue with the presentation, study and approval of the candidacy for members of the Central Committee and the draft resolutions on the Central Report and the work of the commissions.
The 8th Party Congress takes place from April 16 to 19 and has among its main motivations the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs Victory, where Yankee imperialism received its first great defeat in Latin America.
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