Cuban priests issue Letter of the Year for Cuba and the world in 2025

Cuban priests of the Yoruba religion issued on Wednesday the main prophecy for the island nation and the world in 2025, which predicts "a kind of firm and secure health on the earth plane".
As is tradition, the ceremony to announce the Ifa predictions, better known as the letter of the year for the Caribbean island and the world, took place at Cuba’s Yoruba Cultural Association early January 1.
High Priest of Ifa, Antonio Sevilla Rodriguez, “Awo Baba Ofün Meyi,” said in his statement that the 365 days of 2025 augur a kind of firm and secure health on the earth plane with the blessing and support of all the Oshas and Orishas.
The prediction stated that the Orisha who will reign in 2025 is Shango (in Yoruba, Ṣàngó), one of the most revered deities in the Yoruba pantheon, which occupies a dominant space in Afro-Cuban Santeria, media informed.
Shango represents thunder, fire, justice, dance, and masculinity. He is a complex figure that combines power, passion, and cunning.
The Letter of the Year 2025 states that this ruling deity will be accompanied by Oshun, and the flag will be red with white trimmings, the latter “by the path of Obatala del Oddum.”
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