Cuban media outlets denounce incitement to social unrest from the US

Cuban media outlets denounce incitement to social unrest from the US
Fecha de publicación: 
11 July 2023
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The Cuban national television denounced that persons and entities in the United States continue inciting to carry out acts of violence and vandalism aimed at causing a social outbreak in Cuba, and have stepped up in that direction.

TV news commentator Humberto López revealed testimonies from members of subversive groups established in the United States who promote criminal actions, provocations against government leaders, attacks on law enforcement, and fires and sabotage in public establishments, among other terrorist activities, by way of paying and recruiting accomplices within Cuba.

López explained that Cuban citizens are encouraged to carry out a series of social disobedience acts via social networks, such as surrounding police stations, puncturing the tires of police vehicles, carrying sharp objects in order to repel alleged government repression, and demonstrating violently in streets and avenues.

This trend rises on social networks just as the second anniversary of the riots of July 11th and 12th, 2021 draws near, with the United States Government directly responsible for the said riots, according to an editorial published on Monday in the national press.

The plans hatched from abroad and the amounts of money used to pay criminals and counterrevolutionary activists in Cuba to commit crimes were exposed in a video showing a Cuban residing in the United States, recruiting Cubans living in the island, giving them instructions, and confessing that he pays contacts from his social networks to assault the local government headquarters and murdering its occupants as a public lesson, among other incitements to hatred, crime and other criminal activities.

López also assured that several people who act in Cuba following those dictates have been detained and subjected to criminal investigations, and urged Cubans inside and outside the country to fight together for a country free of a blockade and where everyone is involved in seeking a solution to their issues.

He stressed that there is no doubt that the economic stifling maintained against Cuba for over 60 years is the fundamental reason for the current difficulties and that only unity among Cubans will win over hatred, lies and falsehoods against the revolution in Cuba

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