Cuban artists to give concerts on line

Cuban singer songwriter Mauricio Figueiral and singer Annie Garces gave an online concert on Saturday to support the social isolation that the government has implemented to fight against the spread of the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
We are fighting the pandemic and boredom!, Figueiral posted on his Facebook account, adding that this was a reason to give a concert at 16:00 hours, local time, along with Garces, and companied by guitarist Eduardo Corcho.
These days, several institutions in Cuba are supporting online concerts to encourage people to stay home and prevent any possibility of contagion with the novel coronavirus.
One of the digital platforms that collaborates to bring art to Cuban homes is Tunturuntun, which plans concerts with prominent Cuban artists as an online festival.
Saturday's concert could be enjoyed on Facebook Live, a streaming video tool that allows live broadcasting simply and quickly.
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