Cuba turns on the alerts due to discreet rebound of Covid-19


Cuba turns on the alerts due to discreet rebound of Covid-19
Fecha de publicación: 
20 July 2022
Imagen principal: 

Havana, Jun 20 (Prensa Latina) Although Cuba managed to control Covid-19 transmission with low rates of infections this year, a slight rebound in the number of cases of the pandemic is keeping the authorities on alert today.

Consequently, at a meeting of the country’s leadership yesterday, it was decided to re-establish the obligatory use of masks in public transportation and day-care centers.

This is the most “visible” measure for the population, and already this Wednesday there is a substantial increase in the number of passengers wearing masks in the buses of this capital.

But also the health authorities announced the application of a second booster with the vaccines against SARS-Cov-2 produced in the country, in the population between 19 and 49 years old.

Likewise, the first booster will start next August for children between 2 and 11 years and 11 months.

Cuba is the only country in Latin America that managed to produce its own vaccines (which include Abdala, Soberana 02 and Soberana Plus) against the disease, which, together with the enormous effort of medical personnel, was decisive in controlling the pandemic.

As part of the measures announced now, the use of face masks will also be encouraged in places with crowds of people, and it will be mandatory for people with respiratory symptoms.

Likewise, the use of hand sanitizers will be encouraged, as well as the availability of water and soap for hand washing in work and student centers and the maintenance of adequate ventilation (preferably natural) in places where social activities take place.

According to information from the Public Health Ministry, up to this Tuesday, out of the 1,106,630 patients diagnosed with the disease since the first case was detected in March 2020, 321 remain hospitalized, 319 of them with stable clinical evolution.

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