Cuba sends condolences to Central America after Eta impact


Cuba sends condolences to Central America after Eta impact
Fecha de publicación: 
7 November 2020
Imagen principal: 
Havana, Nov 7 (Prensa Latina) Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez expressed on Saturday condolences to the Central American peoples and governments for the loss of lives and material damage caused by Hurricane Eta.
On his Twitter account, the head of Cuban diplomacy extended his country's solidarity to relatives and friends of the victims.

According to press reports, Eta left at least 70 deaths as it passed through that region, where it entered as a category Four hurricane and caused serious floods, landslides and damage to agriculture and infrastructure, with a balance of tens of thousands of victims.

With about 50 million inhabitants, Central America is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to natural disasters, among other factors due to its mountainous geography on the slopes of which poor and rural communities live.

After Eta departure to the Caribbean Sea, downgraded to the category of tropical depression, the meteorological phenomenon reorganizes, gaining in intensity and is expected to enter Cuban territory at dawn on Sunday.

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