Cuba organizes International Convention on Tourism Studies

The VII International Convention on Tourism Studies (CietCuba 2024) is taking place today at the University of Havana, as a reflection of academic efforts to support the recovery of the travel industry in Cuba.
Organized by the university from November 18 to 20, it represents an important moment of reflection and analysis on the part of attendees, as reflected by the organizers.
Inaugurated this Monday in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana (UH), it inspires new generations and their link with one of the most relevant sectors of the Cuban economy.
They point out that the main objective of this convention is to bring together researchers, professors and professionals from the tourism sector, as well as students of the Bachelor’s degree in Tourism, to debate and update themselves on the most recent research at the national and international level in the field of tourism.
The opening of the event was chaired by the Cuban Minister of Tourism, Juan Carlos Garcia, together with prominent professors and researchers from the UH.
Garcia himself, in his welcoming remarks, highlighted that the development of the convention underlines the importance of the academic field and research in the tourism sector.
He stressed the need to analyze and study external contexts, where professionals and students are key elements for the improvement and development of the country’s tourism base, and that, despite the limitations, great progress can be made.
Among the novelties that this convention brings is the First Educational and Professional Meeting on Tourism, which opens space for young researchers in the area of work and improvement.
Under the motto For a Tourism from and for the Community, this event seeks to rethink the sector from a perspective that involves local communities as essential actors in the design of tourism products and in the management of their development.
In addition, it delves into the creation of tourism products driven by communities, exploring their benefits, challenges and effects. The links between tourism development and the impact on the lives of host communities are analyzed, a central theme that will be addressed throughout the convention’s events and workshops.
In order to facilitate greater participation by specialists and academics, the convention adjusted its date (scheduled for early November, impacted by Hurricane Rafael in the west of the country), and offers both in-person and virtual activities, integrating the Telegram platform as a space for exchange.
The program list is extremely ambitious with the 10th International Workshop on Higher Education in Tourism Development and the 1st Meeting on Professional Education for Tourism, the 7th International Symposium on Studies, the 7th International Symposium on Studies on Hospitality Entities, and the 3rd Workshop on Innovation in Tourism.
Also included are the 3rd Workshop on Inclusive Tourism, the 3rd International Meeting of Tourism Students, and the 2nd Workshop on Health, Well-being and Quality of Life Tourism.
Each of these events focuses on fostering a more equitable and beneficial relationship between tourism and host communities, inviting researchers and professionals to present their work and share experiences.
Tourism in Cuba is a priority for the authorities, and efforts by all parties are being made to recover, despite pressing problems such as recent meteorological phenomena.
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