Cuba Is Developing a Vaccine to Activate the Immune System
The drug is undergoing clinical trials with volunteers suspected of being COVID-19 carriers.
Cuba applies a clinical trial for a vaccine aimed at activating the innate immune system to combat COVID-19. This experimental vaccine has been developed with Cuban technology and scientists amid the U.S. blockade against the Island.
The drug called CIGB 2020 is undergoing clinical trials at Havana's Luis Diaz Soto hospital with volunteer patients suspected of being carriers of the disease, the director of research at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), Gerardo Guillen, said.
He also explained that the CICB 2020, which is applied nasal and sublingual, has generated encouraging results regarding the activation of the innate immune system, which is very important to combat the COVID-19.
The CIGB 2020 is part of a highly competitive scientific branch in which professionals seek to develop specific vaccines to stimulate innate immunity.
“Our scientists have been able to make laboratory technologies available to this research in record time. We will continue with the trials and analyzing our results," Guillen stressed.
In Cuba, similar state-of-the-art research is also being carried out by the Finlay Institute (IFV), a company that works in the complete cycle of vaccine development, which includes research, development, production, marketing, and post-sale monitoring.
As of Tuesday morning, Cuba had reported 766 COVID-19 confirmed cases and 21 deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins data base.
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