'Covid-19 broadens social injustices', says Pope
Pope Francis affirmed on Friday that the Covid-19 pandemic broadened and made more evident the injustices and economic and social problems that seriously affected Latin America, with the poorest most severely affected.
In a message to the participants in the webminar 'Latin America: Church, Pope Francis and the scenarios of the pandemic', the Supreme Pontiff noted that 'the pandemic made pre-existing vulnerabilities even more visible.'
In that sense, he indicated that inequalities and discrimination, which increase the social gap, are added to the difficult conditions in which the afflicted and many families find themselves, who go through times of uncertainty and suffer from situations of social injustice.
We are aware that we will continue to experience the devastating effects of the pandemic for a long time, especially in our economies, which require solidarity attention and creative proposals to defuse the crisis, he pointed out.
The pandemic, he detailed, revealed the best and worst of our peoples and the best and worst of each person and added that 'now, more than ever, it is necessary to regain awareness of our common belonging.'
In that regard, Pope Francis pointed out that the novel coronavirus reminds us that the best way to take care of ourselves is by learning to care for and protect those close to us: neighborhood awareness, town awareness, regional awareness, common home awareness.
The Pope recalled that along with the Covid-19 pandemic, there are other social ills such as lack of shelter, land and work, which require a generous response and immediate attention.
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