Coercive measures rejected, Cuba's call at UN backed


Coercive measures rejected, Cuba's call at UN backed
Fecha de publicación: 
14 September 2020
Imagen principal: 

On the brink of the next period of session of the UN General Assembly, the international organization currently has a resolution that expresses, among other items, rejection of unilateral coercive measures, proposed by Cuba.

Although the United States and Israel protested against an amendment to the resolution on the impact of Covid-19, the amendment promoted by Cuba was very well received by the Assembly, which strongly urged to oppose to any unilateral economic policy and financial or commercial sanctions.

The Cuban representation, on behalf of 20 other delegations, presented this amendment based on the 2030 Agenda, which rejects the promulgation and application of unilateral coercive measures, and urges its elimination.

This amendment was supported and adopted by most of the international community, Cuba's alternate permanent representative to the UN Ana Silvia Rodriguez posted on her Twitter account.

Originally, the draft resolution called for the urgent removal of 'unjustified obstacles' in order to guarantee universal, timely and equitable access and fair distribution of essential health technologies in response to the pandemic.

By a vote of 132 in favor, the assembly amended the resolution that urges 'to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial or trade measure not in accordance with international law and the UN Charter' that impedes the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries.

In addition to being against including the issue of sanctions in the resolution, the US representation opposed all references to the World Health Organization, to which President Donald Trump withdrew his support.

Despite such US pressure, supported by Israel, the General Assembly on Friday approved a resolution that addresses the impact of the pandemic and the recovery efforts from a comprehensive perspective in areas where the UN system works.


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