China considers Taiwan leader’s meeting in US a violation

The Government and the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Thursday considered that the meeting between Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen and US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy violates their sovereignty.
The Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, the National People’s Congress (Parliament), the Taiwan Affairs Office of CPC Central Committee, and Beijing´s Embassy in the United States issued statements strongly protesting the meeting, which took place on Wednesday.
In general, all those entities regretted that Washington ignored China’s warning and allowed both the transit visit and the talks between Tsai and the country’s third most influential politician.
They condemned that the Taiwanese leader even spoke to other members of Congress, turning the stopover into a platform for pro-separatist statements and sending the wrong signal to independence calls.
The institutions stressed that such actions violated the One-China principle, the fundamentals of bilateral relations with the United States, and sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Tsai made two stops on US soil, one on Thursday, March 30, and another on Wednesday on her way to and from Belize and Guatemala.
The trip came after Honduras,on March 26, ended more than 80 years of relations with Taipei and established them with China.
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