Attention to Demographic Dynamics: Role of Social Workers
The recent announcement by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MLSS) to perfect and expand the social work structures to the neighborhoods, and not leave them only at the level of Popular Councils, can be a worthy contribution to the efforts aimed at beginning to give a turning point to demographic dynamics, particularly in the neighborhoods.
Of course, an increase in the supply of goods and services, the quality of life and the nation's own development and prosperity become the basis and goal to reverse the complex socioeconomic situation, but now the approach and transformation of these people continues to be a priority, families. and vulnerable communities, and of those who, faced with an emergency situation, require the humanitarian support of the State.
Descriptive figures of a worrisome demographic situation
Accelerated demographic aging process present in all sectors of society, decrease in the population of working age and the total number of women of reproductive age, are elements present in Cuba today, according to Juan Carlos Alfonso, deputy head of the National Office of Statistics and Information.
In a recent press conference in Havana, he specified that according to the annual study, 95,403 people were born in 2022, compared to 99,096 the previous year, while 120,098 died, that is, 47,547 less than in 2021.
Life expectancy rounds the 77 years, the degree of aging is 22.3% of the total population and since 1977 the population replacement level has not been reached again, he added.
Likewise, Alfonso pointed out that by late March 2023 the preliminary population of Cuba was 11 082 964, and the trend is spiraling downward due to low fertility, the negative balance between birth and mortality rates and the factor of migration.
Like Manuel Marrero Cruz, Prime Minister of the Republic, also clarified recently before the National Assembly of People’s Power, Cuba represents 0.0014% of the world population, with a demographic dynamic similar to that of developed countries, but in the context of a developing economy persistently blocked by the United States.
We are facing an issue that has been followed up since the 70s of the last century, and more recently as part of the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines of the Party and the Revolution approved in the 6th, 7th, and 8th PCC Congresses.
In 2012 the Government Commission for Demographic Dynamics was established and in October 2014 the Council of Ministers approved the policy for its attention, which contains the principles; the approved measures, their implementation and viability, with a territorial and local approach, as well as the incorporation of the analysis of this issue and the situation of population aging in the preparation and implementation of Territorial Development Strategies.
The role of social workers
In the hands of this army with a humanist calling -as Fidel called social workers- rests a large part of the battle aimed at stimulating fertility in order to come closer to natural population replacement, to attend to the needs of the elderly, to incorporate people suitable for work into employment, and help to know the causes that lead to internal and external migration.
Although we are talking about a State policy, which involves various ministries and institutions, governments at all levels, there’s no doubt that there in the neighborhood, on the block, in many homes and establishments, together with the delegate of People’s Power and the representatives of mass organizations and organisms, the contribution of these young people, with their passion and dedication will be a blessing within the so-called comprehensive work.
“We can’t get tired of doing everything possible to transform,” Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) told to over 700 social workers from all over the country on May 10th during a meeting from the Palace of the Revolution, and via videoconference.
Regarding this goal, he clarified the lines to follow: social transformation, the reduction of unemployment and the dissociation of study and work, the battle of violence against women, care for the elderly, the participation in Local Development Strategies and socio-cultural programs, as well as crime prevention.
Given the complex, comprehensive, and patient task that lies ahead, it’s necessary for this purpose to recruit, select, and prepare in the neighborhoods a greater number of people, preferably young people who, as an incentive, can later apply for a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work, said recently Marta Elena Feitó Cabrera, to a group of social workers from the municipality of Alquízar in Artemisa.
From the passion, sensitivity and commitment with which they approach the strategic mission, it will be possible to examine every corner of a neighborhood so that no one is left forgotten or helpless: the old man who is sick or alone, the young man without studying or working, single moms with three or more children, the couple unmotivated to have a baby now….
Social workers must be involved in the essential updating of the demographic characterization of a community or territory, with information and proposals related to population issues.
"You have a fundamental mission in society that no one else can fulfill," the Cuban President told them, and as the Prime Minister pointed out to the deputies: "The current conditions require a change of thinking in understanding, attention, and control of the demographic situation of the country (...) and that the main goal it hasis that of equity and social justice”.
As referred above, the army with a humanist vocation can contribute a lot, especially in helping to achieve the necessary inclusiveness, transversality, change of mentality and territorial focus in the identified actions, and in the correct insertion of demographic issues in the Local Development Strategy.
Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff
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