Argentine deputy governors reject Milei measures

Argentine deputy governors reject Milei measures
Fecha de publicación: 
12 February 2024
Imagen principal: 

Deputy governors of several Argentine provinces rejected the measures implemented by President Javier Milei, who is finishing his first international tour as head of state.

After visiting Israel and participating on Sunday in the canonization mass of María Antonia de San José in the Vatican, the president will be received on Monday in a private audience by Pope Francis.

He will also meet with the Italian head of state, Sergio Mattarella, and the Prime Minister of Italy, Georgia Meloni.

The deputy governors of Buenos Aires, Catamarca, La Rioja, Santiago del Estero, Salta, Formosa, Jujuy and other territories issued a statement expressing their disagreement with the Government’s decision to cut transportation subsidies and suspend the transfer of the National Teacher Incentive Fund.

“We express our enormous concern about the ruthless advance against workers, businessmen, producers, professionals, entrepreneurs, young people, merchants, children and retirees, while we warn about the fierce burden on the institutions of our country and the contempt for the federal system that governs us.”

The document states also states: “The method chosen by the Government was to increase difficulties, deprivation of rights, fuel inflation, unprotected those who the State must care for and take political revenge,” The deputy governors demand Milei to stop “holding Argentines hostage in their political battles and stop threatening their quality of life.”

“Argentina is a sum of its provinces. We reiterate this concept that is key to understanding what a country is like for everyone, without centralism, whims, with social sensitivity and responsibility,” they conclude.

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