6th Plenary Session of the CC PCC assesses the work of the Political Bureau in Cuba


6th Plenary Session of the CC PCC assesses the work of the Political Bureau in Cuba
Fecha de publicación: 
25 May 2023
Imagen principal: 

 In a context marked by the progressive socio-economic complexity, the effects of the tightened U.S. blockade and the 243 measures of the Trump Administration, as well as the global economic crisis, aggravated by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the 6th Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CCPCC) is being held.

This was stated by the member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the CCPCC, Roberto Morales Ojeda, while presenting to the attendees of the Plenary, the Accountability Report on the work of the Political Bureau since the previous meeting last December, to date.
Morales Ojeda acknowledged that the National Elections process, whose results expressed a political victory of the Revolution, ratified the unity, continuity and confidence of our people in the democratic and socialist system we defend.

He said that this context is aggravated by problems in our economy related to macroeconomic imbalances, increased inflation, the depreciation of the national currency and the deterioration of the purchasing power of the people, the high fiscal deficit, the limited income in foreign currency and a partial dollarization.

Regarding the situation of the national electric energy system, he reminded that a strategy was implemented which will allow us to reach the summer in better conditions, although there are still some problems in the electric service which generate discomfort among the people and a fuel crisis was generated, marked by a shortage of gasoline and diesel.

He considered that the socialist state enterprise is still far from achieving the full deployment of its potentialities and negative phenomena that impact the economic, social and political-ideological life persist: social indisciplines, illegalities, criminal behavior and corruption.
"The migratory flow abroad, essentially of young people and professionals, implies a challenge for the present and the future, in addition to the challenging demographic dynamics", he said.

Banishing inertia, removing obstacles and eliminating self-complacency

Roberto Morales Ojeda stressed, in his report, that the Party leadership has called for strengthening the concept of creative resistance, seeking different, innovative solutions to problems and breaking the economic siege imposed by the United States on Cuba to move forward with more dynamism, speed and without brakes, banishing inertia, bureaucracy, removing obstacles and eliminating complacency.

He informed that since the 5th Plenum to date, the Political Bureau continued evaluating the implementation of the Ideas, Concepts and Guidelines derived from the 8th Congress, with priority in the economic, social, political and ideological measures to face the current situation of the country and the actions to prevent and confront corruption, crime, illegalities and social indiscipline.

At this stage, the preliminary results and the actions derived from the research on people dismissed from study and work were analyzed; the updating of the program for the attention to the workers of the sector; the general directives and plan of political actions aimed at the prevention and confrontation of corruption, crime, illegalities and social indisciplines; the Objectives of the Cuban Foreign Policy in 2023, the linkage of the state and non-state sector, the progress of Electronic Commerce in the country and the Plan and Budget of the Party for the current year were approved.

In addition, a set of policies and draft legal provisions were evaluated according to the Legislative Schedule. Meanwhile, the Secretariat of the Central Committee held six meetings, in which it analyzed 47 topics; among them: Follow-up and control by the Party to the process of delivery of lands in usufruct; follow-up to the implementation of the agreements emanating from the process of the 10th Congress of the University Student Federation; fulfillment of the indicators of the Party Cadres Policy at the close 2022; the improvement of the system of attention to the Party population; the process of improvement of the Party schools system; the results of the process of discussion of the plan of the economy and the budget for the year 2023 with the workers.

The aquaculture and shrimp farming development programs were also evaluated at this level; the political-ideological training of athletes and coaches of the national high performance schools; the actions developed as a result of the meetings of the First Secretary with sectors attended by the departments of Attention to the Social Sector, Agro-alimentary, Ideological and by the Office of Attention to Religious Affairs.

The National Program of Science, Technology and Innovation, the Study of the direction and the work with the cadres and the Project of Model and Profile of Generic Competences of the cadres of the Revolution, also centered the attention of the Secretariat of the CCPCC, to which was added the attention to programs and projects of the macro programs that due to their political and ideological content are attended by the Party: Sex Education Programs for children and adolescents, sexual and reproductive health, the fight against Racism and Racial Discrimination and the results of the implementation of the Program for the Advancement of Women two years after its promulgation.

The Report on the work of the Political Bureau to the 6th Plenary Session of the CCPCC highlights the celebration of the International Workers' Day, the International Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba and anti-imperialism, 200 years after the Monroe Doctrine, the important visits of the First Secretary and President of the Republic to several countries and their participation in international summits and the fruitful visits made by a delegation headed by the Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee to the People's Republic of China, the Lao People's Democratic Republic and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Roberto Morales Ojeda reiterated that only renewed and indestructible unity, creative and innovative work, greater party democracy, participation and popular control, as well as trusting in the capacity of our infinite forces, will allow us to overcome this crucial moment.
The Party's strength lies in its example

At the beginning of the discussion of the report, CCPCC member and president of the National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP by its Spanish acronym)), Rafael Santisteban Pozo, highlighted the transparency with which the report describes the work of the Political Bureau in the stage in question and the validity of the accountability to agree on strategies to face the difficulties.

Meanwhile, Osnay Miguel Colina, also member of the CCPCC and First Secretary of the Party in Villa Clara, acknowledged the importance of having propitiated the debate of crucial issues for the country in the nuclei of the PCC.

He also expressed his satisfaction with the increase of experts at all levels of Party leadership, a positive aspect that contributes to the training of cadres at all levels.

Likewise, the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Marta Elena Feito, pointed out that the Secretariat of the Central Committee has promoted the search for scientific solutions that contribute to face the current problems.

In this regard, she recalled the two meetings of the First Secretary of the CCPCC, Miguel Diaz-Canel, with social workers, which "have allowed making visible the work of these workers and a greater understanding and recognition of their work".

Since the 5th Plenum we have worked with great intensity, we have constantly exchanged with the population, assured the member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee", Felix Duarte Ortega.

The need to continue strengthening the PCC to radiate with greater force in society and workplaces, together with the responsibility, from all levels, to accompany the function of the Political Bureau, were other issues raised by Duarte Ortega.

We must insist on the exemplarity of the militants, on the promotion of the combative attitude and explain the thousands of reasons we have to continue resisting creatively, expressed on her part, the member of the CCPCC and Comptroller General of the Republic, Gladys Bejerano.
"The strength of the Party, more than in the quantity, is in the example", assured the Comptroller.

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