Call to cosplay parade in Old Havana


Call to cosplay parade in Old Havana
Fecha de publicación: 
10 December 2015
Imagen principal: 

The program will include a cosplay contest, in which will be valued both performances and costumes. A Grand Prix will be conferred to the best duet/group and Mentions for the Best Costume and Presentation.

After the awarding, participants will tour the squares of Havana Historic Center and will make photo sessions. All cosplayers interested could attend as long as they present themselves in duets/groups. They can bring a CD with a soundtrack to support the presentation in mp3 format.

The doors will be opened from December 19, at 12:00 pm, for the preparation and rehearsal of the participants.

This cultural proposal joins many others, arts exhibits, books presentations and films screenings that will take place from December 11 to evidence the variety, the contemporaneity and pure beauty of the Japanese culture and art.

Translation: Liana Fleitas (Cubarte)

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