Mission Miracle keeps adding benefits in Latin America and the Caribbean
Under the tenth anniversary of the social program, the health professional currently described as positive in 13 countries in the region to promote the mission.
He said that to date some three million people from 34 countries of the world have been benefited by the Mission. “Through consultation and surgery the Cuban government continues to add benefits in terms of free, high-quality health,” Rios said.
He said that in 2013 more than 35,000 cataract surgeries, a figure that he represents a great achievement for Cuban medicine was made. He recalled that 10 years ago there were Cuba about 700 ophthalmologists and there are more than 800 thousand specialists in ophthalmology today.
“The mission provides consultation and general pediatric ophthalmology, neuro-ophthalmology, low vision, retina, among others that are available in all regions with highly trained professionals,” he said.
The Miracle is supported by several countries in the region, especially by the Bolivarian Government of Venezuela adopted the project of Cuban leader Fidel Castro as one of its larger social missions.
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