Cuba Calls for Saving Policy and Increasing Exports


Cuba Calls for Saving Policy and Increasing Exports
Fecha de publicación: 
29 December 2015
Imagen principal: 

The Cuban minister of Economy and Planning, Marino Murillo, called today to continue in the country the politics for saving, and increasing the production of raw material and exports. On having intervened in the third working meeting before to the 6th Ordinary Period of Meetings of the 8th Legislative Term of the National Assembly of the Power Popular (Parliament) which is carried out in the Convention Center, Murillo stressed the importance of diminishing the imports for the future year.

He stated that there are spheres, such as the agriculture, with vital interest, and must have a major dynamics in their development.

Murillo confirmed that Cuba will prioritize social services just as it has been till now , for being these achievements of the revolutionary process initiated in 1959.

On the production of material goods, Murillo said that this one must increase, always propped up by a design study, without leaving margin to improvisations.

He emphasized the result as for generation of electrical energy in the nation, which reached an identical growth to the Internal Gross Product achieved in 2015 (four per cent).

The minister called after a rational use of the fuels made, and that his expense has a productive support.

The same way, he said the facilities for companies will not be removed, but there should be a greater degree of responsibility.

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