Cuba and the US to Start Migratory Talks


Cuba and the US to Start Migratory Talks
Fecha de publicación: 
27 November 2015
Imagen principal: 

Delegations from the island of Cuba and the US will start migratory conversations on November 30 in Washington, to revise the state of the agreements in the field between these two countries. In the dialogue, the teams presided by Josefina Vidal, Cuban Foreign Ministry General Director for Affairs with the US, and Edward Alex Lee, US Department of State Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs will exchange and discuss on the cooperation to face illegal migration.

According to a note from the Foreign Ministry, the Cuban side will reiterate its concern about the validity of the policy of "wet -dry foot", which encourages illegal emigration and violates the spirit and letter of the agreements in force.

The Cuban side will express also their rejection of the "Parole Program for Cuban Medical Professionals" which deprives Cuba of vital resources and affects cooperation with other countries, as well as the Cuban Adjustment Act.

Cuba will insist on its concern about the increase, under such a stimulus, of illegal, unsafe and disorderly emigration of those who legally enter and leave Cuba just as the first country of destination, from where they continue irregularly into the United States.

In this way these people become victims of people trafficking networks and organized crime, as with the Cubans who are under a difficult situation in Costa Rica and other countries in the region, according to the text.

The December 1, 2015 will be held in the US capital The second technical meeting of the dialogue on fighting drug trafficking will be held on December 1, 2015 in the US capital, in which representatives of specialized agencies of the two countries will discussthe possibility of expanding cooperation in this area.

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