Represented Cuba in South-South cooperation forum held in Indonesia


Represented Cuba in South-South cooperation forum held in Indonesia
Fecha de publicación: 
17 June 2014
Imagen principal: 

ASEAN Forum on South- South and triangular cooperation "Building capacity for countries of the South through the exchange of knowledge and skills", was held in Indonesia sponsored by diverse organizations such as the South-South Technical Cooperation of Non Aligned Movement Center (NAM CSSTC) UNDP, ASEAN Foundation, Ministry of National Development and Planning and other national and international organizations.

Enna Viant Valdes Ambassador, presided over the opening ceremony representing Cuba as a Member of the Board of Governors in CSSTC. Similarly attended the meeting Ms. Elaine Tan, Executive Director of the ASEAN Foundation; Beate Trankman, UNDP Country Director and Deputy BAPPENAS, Dr. Ir Imron Bulkin.

Cuba has been active in supporting South-South cooperation and the transfer of their experiences on various issues related to community development including energy and health.

This time the project was developed aimed at achieving regional integration and strengthening the connection of the Indonesian provinces with ASEAN through the effective use of cooperation on issues such as agriculture, tourism and disaster management.

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