Cuban Labiofam Business Group Opens Branch in Bolivia
The Cuban Labiofam Business group opened its first branch in this city of central Bolivia in a ceremony attended by business people, local authorities and diplomats. During the opening of the office, located at the Prado Trade Center, Federico Diez de Medina, president of the Association of Private Entrepreneurs of Cochabamba, welcomed the cooperation between Cuba and Bolivia, especially in areas in which the Caribbean island has a great experience, such as health.
These projects are highly positive for the benefit of the Bolivian people, commented Diez de Medina, who clarified that many of the Labiofam products will especially benefit lower-income people.
Meanwhile, the representative of the company, engineer Pavel Pizart, highlighted the ties between the governments and peoples of Cuba and Bolivia, and stressed that the group represents the Cuban State.
Casimira Rodríguez, Secretary of Human and Comprehensive Development of Cochabamba, highlighted Cuba's longstanding support and solidarity.
Labiofam, which has 17 member companies, began its work in the 60s, especially in the industry of vaccines and medicines, also joined later by other sectors.
That institution has trade relations with companies from over 60 countries and stands out in the control of vector-born diseases, besides the struggle against Cancer.
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