Melia Keeps its Commitment to Cuba Despite Helms Burton Act

President of Melia Hotels International, Gabriel Escarrer Julia, assured on Tuesday that the hotel group keeps its commitment to Cuba and trusts that Washington´s tussle has a resolution respecting international law.
He pointed out that despite "disagreements with the U.S. administration, which has also been part of Cuban history, I am sure that this new dispute will have a respectful resolution under the principles of international law."
President of Melia Hotels International and founder of the hotel chain in Cuba remembered the chain´s history in the country and "the deep bond" that joins the company with Cuba.
He affirmed that "he had never regretted having opted on Melia´s tourism breakthrough throughout these 31 years of history."
The head of the Spanish chain said that from the beginning Melia had a clear vision of what Cuba could represent for holiday tourism.
"We find ourselves with a unique, inimitable country with extraordinary assets on account of its nature and its beaches, its culture, its heritage and something very valuable for tourism: security and stability", he remarked.
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