Stella Calloni Denounces Disinformation Used as a Weapon


Stella Calloni Denounces Disinformation Used as a Weapon
Fecha de publicación: 
23 January 2019
Imagen principal: 

The Argentine journalist and writer Stella Calloni denounced today in this capital the use of disinformation as a weapon to carry out low-intensity and psychological wars against governments and people.

Only with intelligence, responsibility and creativity can we face this phenomenon, she told Prensa Latina in the context of an international forum on the challenges of journalism in Latin America, an event that this Tuesday celebrates its second and final day at the National Hotel in Cuba.

According to Calloni, this is a media machine that alienates until it leads to what she called ' turning society in to zombies', before which - she insisted - there must be an appeal to the breaking of communication schemes and the use of a direct and simple language to transmit reality.

The Argentine expert addresses today a panel on the dangers of journalism in the region, in the forum sponsored by Prensa Latina to remember Operation Truth on its 60th anniversary and the creation of the Latin American news agency, also six decades ago.

A few days after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, on January 1, 1959, leader Fidel Castro summoned 400 foreign journalists to learn first-hand details of the trials of those responsible for crimes during the failed dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, amidst disinformation campaigns to attack the recent process.

Participants in the two-day meeting warned that the scenario that the Cubans faced at that time is still present, since from the centers of power, particularly the United States, they attack progressive countries and forces with manipulation and lies.

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