Cuba's call for open and frank dialogue highlighted in Peru

Cuba once again called for an open and respectful dialogue amidst attempts to silence the voice of its true civil society, represented at events at the VIII Summit of the Americas, taking place in Lima, capital city of Peru.
Both young people and social actors from the Caribbean nation participating in the youth forums of the Americas and civil society were subjected to arbitrary exclusions and irregularities "not foreseen" by the organizers of these hemispheric meetings, who at all times only replied: "We will take notes".
Coalition 15, For an Inclusive and Respectful World, which leads the largest of the West Indies, also denounced the lack of transparency of the forum organizers in choosing the spokesperson for Thursday's dialogue with government representatives.
After making proposals and putting it to the vote, the responsibility of the spokeswoman fell on the young Mirthia Julia Brossard Oris, who is part of this group along with 67 other Cubans.
Coalition members also expressed their disagreement with the distribution and organization of the work of the 28 civil society forum groups.
From the Sheraton Hotel, located in Lima, the Cubans also expressed their disagreement with the way in which the document to be presented to the Heads of State at the high-level segment of the Summit will be prepared next Saturday.
Ronald Hidalgo Rivero also presented a point of order in the plenary of the youth forum, in which he asked the organizers and authorities present to review the accreditation mechanism, which included three Cubans who do not represent the legitimate interests of Cubans.
Another side event: the III Meeting of the Open Parliament Network of ParlAmericas began Tuesday at the Peruvian Congress, where the positions and work of legislative institutions in the countries of the hemisphere to confront corruption were respectfully shared.
The five deputies who make up the delegation of the largest of the Antilles, presented Cuba's experiences on the subject, which has totally different nuances in the Caribbean country, as there is no political corruption, as confirmed by the prosecutor Edward Roberts Campbell.
As an alternative space to that of the Americas, discussions also continued at the People's Summit, today with broad support for former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, imprisoned after a manipulated judicial process for alleged involvement in a corruption case.
At the same time, the voice of trade union, youth and feminist leaders and social, progressive and leftist movements in the region in favor of Cuba and Venezuela excluded from the meeting of the heads of state and government of the hemisphere was felt.
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