Cuban Delegation Meets Several Sectors of Philippine Society


Cuban Delegation Meets Several Sectors of Philippine Society
Fecha de publicación: 
5 April 2017
Imagen principal: 

Several sectors of the Philippine society are now interested in receiving first-hand information about Cuba, sources from the delegation attending the 8th Asia-Pacific Solidarity Meeting with the Caribbean country, said.

As part of the activities related to the event, scheduled in Manila next weekend, the Cuban representation talked with journalists, students and university professors, the sources told Prensa Latina.

During the exchange with the press, Alicia Corredera, vice president of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), explained some details of the close meeting and the importance the event is for her country and whose previous edition was held in Hanoi in September 2015.

This is a space where the greatest number of representations of this kind of movement is concentrated and it is a significant opportunity to draw up effective strategies to support Cuba and share work experiences, she emphasized.

The event will be dedicated this time to the memory of Commander-in-Chief, Fidel Castro, for being the greatest architect of the solidarity with Cuba. Vital issues such as the need to lift the economic and commercial blockade the U.S. government has held against the island for more than 55 years and on which those present were interested in knowing more details, including the figure of the economic losses caused by that policy, will be reiterated during the debate, she said.

Journalist and writer, Marta Rojas, made a general outline of the health and education system in the Caribbean nation since the revolutionary triumph of January 1st, 1959, in which she stressed that 'Cuba will preserve these great social achievements at all cost.'

The program prior to the meeting to be held on April 8th and 9th, included a meeting with great prestige students and intellectuals at the Faculty of Communication of the University of the Philippines. It was focused on how to fight not to forget the history from the perspective of a writer.

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