Cuba Advocates for Development to Balance Migration Flow

Cuba has advocated today at the United Nations Office at Geneva to guarantee the full realization of the right to development in the world, which is a way to balance global migration flow.
Cuba representative, Luis Alberto Amoros, stated that analyzing the issue in depth is crucial to analyze the causes for which millions of people emigrate each year, even risking their lives.
'The many problems associated to migration, as its exponential increase to the industrialized world, theft of talent from developing countries and the exacerbation of the shameful discrimination and violation against migrants could only attack the structural causes of migration,' he said.
During an interactive dialogue on the human rights of migrants in the context of great movements, Amoroso defended the need for a substantial modification of the unjust and exclusive international economic order, to act on the origin of migration.
'It also requires a genuine responsibility of the main industrialized countries with international peace and security, and the abandonment of their hegemonic interests that generate situations of instability.'
An international cooperation that guarantees genuine dialogue and collaboration is vital, the shared responsibility of all States in migration matters is recognized, as the respect to the sovereignty and equality of all countries, the Cuban representative stated.
'Of course, this cooperation should ensure the integrity, dignity and welfare of migrants,' he said.
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