US elections: What is going on?
Former US Vice President Democrat Joe Biden won the primary elections in New York, known as the US financial capital city.
To date, Mr. Biden has been endorsed by 164 out of the 267 delegates needed to be appointed at the Democratic National Convention.
There is no official data yet, as almost two-thirds of the votes were cast by mail and the Election Board will start counting in the next few days.
Biden is endorsed by the Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo.
A first poll on the general elections conducted by The New York Times showed that Biden leads Trump by 14 pp (percentage points).
This poll shows a 10+ pp difference between the two candidates to the White House.
It also shows that Biden has the support of the majority of young and nonwhite voters.
Likewise, he is the favorite of white voters above 45, swath of voters that was indifferent to Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Regarding voters aged 18-29 years old, the survey shows that Biden has a 60% support, while Trump tops 26%.
Similarly, voters aged 30-44, 56% endorses Biden whereas 26% does with Trump.
In voters aged 45-64, both candidates boast 44%. Meanwhile, in voters aged 65+, Biden has 47% while Trump 45%.
Jonathan Martin —journalist at the The New York Times— states: “the new panorama shows Trump´s collapse among those who traditionally trusted in Republicans, white voters with college degrees.”
Other recent surveys have placed Biden up as well.0
At the same time, Quinnipiac poll showed Biden up by 8 pp last June 18.
CNN poll showed Biden ahead of Trump by 14 pp.
Trump did not lead in his Fox News either, as this poll placed him under Biden by 12 pp.
Although it is pretty interesting, experts warn, once again, that polls are not final. They are seriously followed, though.
The fact is that Trump is weakened on the verge of the upcoming elections in November.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Díaz / CubaSí Translation Staff
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