A Matter of Hierarchies


A Matter of Hierarchies
Fecha de publicación: 
12 October 2024

In this era of social media and mass digitalization, the loss of certain notions of the cultural hierarchy that used to guide choices and assessments has become evident in several sectors. New consumption patterns, driven by platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, have reshaped the cultural map, where likes and followers now determine relevance, relegating traditional references such as literature, conventional media, theatre and cinema to the background.

The phenomenon poses significant challenges for the conservation and appreciation of a solid and diverse cultural heritage.

The ease with which information is accessed today is undoubtedly a leap forward. Never before has it been so easy for a person to have such a vast amount of educational, artistic and cultural content and resources at their fingertips.

However, this excess of sources and the saturation of content often confuse more than they clarify. The absence of clear cultural hierarchies causes many people to get lost in a sea of ​​information, without the ability to discern between what enriches and what simply entertains.

It’s in this context that the responsibility of parents and educators becomes crucial. It’s not about imposing values ​​or denigrating the use of Internet or social networks, but about promoting a healthy balance. It’s essential to guide new generations towards a more mindful and critical interaction with the content they consume. Parents and educators must be active mediators, who not only suggest good practices, but also offer varied and quality cultural options.

The key is to teach how to take advantage of the potential of the new platforms without ignoring the richness of traditional media. Social networks can be powerful tools for learning and cultural dissemination if used appropriately. They can connect young people with literary works, significant film productions or innovative theatre pieces, to which they would probably not otherwise have access.

However, for this to happen, a conscious effort is necessary on behalf of those who educate and guide, promoting curiosity and personal judgment.

The concept of cultural hierarchy should not be interpreted as a tool of exclusion, but as a resource that facilitates access to the best options and guarantees the solidity of a cultural heritage.

These hierarchies help distinguish between what’s ephemeral and what’s transcendent, between the shallow and the deep, and offer a guide for those seeking to nourish themselves with quality content. As these hierarchies become diluted in the digital age, there’s a risk of losing connection with cultural elements that have been fundamental to the intellectual and emotional development of entire generations.

Another essential aspect is to recognize that not all content has the same educational or cultural value. While social media can offer entertainment and connection, books, theater and cinema remain irreplaceable sources of reflection, learning and personal enrichment.

Teaching new generations the reason for assessing these experiences is not to impose a vision, but to widen their horizons and enabling them with tools for a fuller and more conscious life.

Balancing the scales between the consumption of digital content and access to traditional cultural references is not an easy task, but it’s essential.

Parents and educators must be willing to actively get involved, exploring together with young people the available options, discussing their choices and promoting a responsible and critical use of digital platforms. In doing so, they will not only be contributing to the formation of more cultured and critical individuals, but also to the maintenance of a rich cultural heritage, everyone’s heritage.

Ultimately, the dissolution of cultural hierarchies in modern times is not a problem of access to information, but of excess and dispersion. The solution is to recover the value of solid cultural references, not as an imposition, but as a guide that facilitates navigation in a vast ocean of content. In this way, it will be possible to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by technology, without losing sight of what really enriches and nourishes.

Translated by Amilkal Labañino / CubaSí Translation Staff

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