Trump Hits Democrats With No Solution to Dreamers Without the Wall


Trump Hits Democrats With No Solution to Dreamers Without the Wall
Fecha de publicación: 
29 December 2017
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Washington, Dec 29 (Prensa Latina)US President Donald Trump threatened today lawmakers to veto any initiative on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, without first obtaining funds for his controversial border wall with Mexico.

The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed wall on the southern border and the end of the horrible chain migration and the ridiculous Lottery Immigration System. We must protect our country at all costs!, wrote the President in his account of the social network Twitter.

The comments of the Head of the White House come after immigration activists and progressive groups threw strong criticism against the so-called "blue party" for not demanding legislative protection to the so-called "dreamers" in the newly proposed bill for temporarily financing the government.

The Democrats had promised not to leave Washington D.C. during the holidays at the end of the year, without achieving a deal in this regard.

We will not leave here without a solution for the DACA, said the leader of the minority in the House of Representatives and legislator for California, Nancy Pelosi, in early December.

Left-wing groups like Credo Mobile and Democracy For America criticized Pelosi and Senate minority leader Charles Schumer for failing to secure a clause in the bill to cover dreamers. Existing since June 2012, the DACA grants legal protection against the possibility of being deported, according to official sources, to some 800, 000 young people, the so-called ´dreamers´.

In addition, it allows those who arrived without documents to the United States when they were children to stay in their territory, and obtain work permits, renewable every two years, if they meet different requirements.

However, the US Government, through the Secretary of Justice, Jeff Sessions, announced the end of the DACA on September 5, which triggered several protests.

Afterwards, Trump granted Congress a six-month term to deal with the issue until March 5, but did not describe how he wants it to be done and left the determinations in the hands of senators and representatives.

The administration handed over to the legislative body on October 8 a long list of demands that must be fulfilled before reaching a pact on the dreamers, who have in their Democratic congressmen their biggest and constant defenders.

The Senate will address in January the situation of such young people, assured the Republican of the second highest rank of that entity, John Cornyn.

Since his election campaign, Trump insists on building a wall on the border with Mexico, one of his most controversial promises rejected by pro-immigrant activists and questioned by its very high costs and dubious utility to stop the entry of irregular immigrants.

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