Cubans starred Good Performances in Eppe Grand Prix


Cubans starred Good Performances in Eppe Grand Prix
Fecha de publicación: 
29 May 2018
Imagen principal: 

Reynier Henriquez and Yunior Reytor were the best-ranked Cubans in the 2018 FIE Epee Grand Prix of Cali, Colombia, won by Olympic monarchs: Frenchman Yannick Borel and Hungarian woman Emese Szasz-Kovacs.

Henriquez finished 12th after beating 15-13 Ukrainian Igor Reizlin and 15-14 Swiss Alexis Bayard before losing 13-15 to Korean Jung Jinsun.
Meanwhile, Reytor (13) reached the round of 16 by defeating 15-9 French Alex Ava and 15-5 Colombian Andres Campos to then lose 15-10 to Korean Park Sangyoung, who was one of the bronze medalists of the tournament.

The other two members of the Cuban squad were the current national champion Luis Enrique Paterson and veteran Ringo Quintero, who both lost in the first round.

The best performance of the women was achieved by the current local monarch Jiselle Franco, who ranked 32, better than Ceyli Mendoza (46), Yana Gavilan (52) and Yamilka Rodriguez (58).
The 2018 FIE Epee Grand Prix of Cali was attended by around 200 fencers from 25 nations.

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