Who can Bridled Donald Trump?


Who can Bridled Donald Trump?
Fecha de publicación: 
19 November 2019
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Apparently, like a psycho, the current emperor has redesigned the world political map according to the immeasurable limits of his megalomania and paranoia.

Branded by the United States government as the main fake news spreaders, social networks, Facebook and Twitter, recently announced the launch of several measures to brake the misinformation that thrives on their servers.

Hence only a year to the presidential elections in the U.S., Facebook is preparing not to repeat again the 2016 mistakes and debacle, with a plan to avoid international interference.

"We have a responsibility to deter any abuse and interference on our platform," said the group commanded by Mark Zuckerberg.

To reach this goal, the social network is testing a user profile verification system with a sort of video-selfie, which implies facial recognition and that, he believes, could be a 0brake on fake accounts.

On the other hand, a little less than a week ago, and having the same intention, Twitter published that, as of November 22nd it will no longer spread political advertising anywhere in the world.

"Although internet advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial advertising companies, that power brings about significant risks in politics," said Jack Dorsey, co-founder and president of the company, in a tweet.

Undoubtedly, the new policies, from both Facebook and Twitter, will help to contain the flow of what has been called euphemistically post-truth, and avoid international interference that, according to the United States government, influenced in the 2016 elections.

To please the continuous pressures of the Congress in this regard, in recent months both networks have closed hundreds of pages and user accounts of alleged enemies that "influence" the U.S. elections; however, it remains to be seen what the policy of these networks will be for the fake news generated by people like the U.S. president, Donald Trump.

It’s no secret to anyone that most of the fake news of the U.S. presidential campaign in 2016 was spread by Trump's campaign advisors.

Donald Trump raised false statements like that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama founded ISIS or that Obama was born in Kenya, information that was published "as statements of the Republican candidate" in the traditional media.

According to the study «Media and Post-truth: Analysis of Fake News in U.S. Presidential Elections of 2016 », by Priscilla Muñoz Sanhueza, the election process was tainted by a shroud of fake news, which had its peak from August 2016 until elections day, where more fabricated information was shared on Facebook than the "True" (which, for the most part, favored Donald Trump).

The same study recalls that the mythomania of the current president is nothing new: «There are records that since 2011 he began to question Obama's country of birth on television and Twitter, quoting alleged sources and websites like WND.com and FreedomOutpost.com , which are characterized by publishing fake news (Maheshwari, 2017) ».

It’s also memorable the sayings of the Republican like: “in New Jersey was celebrated the 9/11 attack; that his commercial empire began with a "small loan" from his father, when he inherited forty million dollars ».

In March 2017, again using Twitter, he accused Barack Obama of having ordered to spy on him in October 2016, tapping the telephones of his operations center, without delivering any evidence, which was denied by a spokesman for the former president.

As if that weren’t enough, in April 2019, The Washington Post published a report that assured that after 800 days in office, the U.S. president had made more than 10,000 "fake or misleading" statements.

If anyone still doubts about this personal characteristic of the current White House owner, just have to review the contents of Trump's last intervention during the 74th Session at the United Nations Assembly.

What can be done when even the so-called quality press remains silent, with complicity, before Trump's cynical lies about Iran, China, Venezuela or Cuba.

For those who witnessed the intervention of the U.S. ambassador to the UN, regarding the vote on a bill against the Blockade of Cuba, there’s no doubt that, in Donald Trump’s imperial era, lies have taken over truth.

Apparently, like a psycho, the current emperor has redesigned the world political map according to the immeasurable limits of his megalomania and paranoia.

Regarding this last trait of his personality, more than once he has summoned, as if they were federal companies, the owners of the social networks to accuse them of censoring his person or the supporters of conservative thinking that took him to the oval office.

It’s worth wondering: If Trump manages to survive, regardless of his lies, the impeachment to which the Democrats attempt to submit him, can anyone dare to put a bridle of honesty on him?

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