Trump: Between the Hatred and Love of Many

The opinion poll results don't have the last word, although they do give some signs impossible to ignore.
A survey published this Sunday by The Washington Post and the ABC television network repeat the Donald Trump’s edge for the coming 2020 elections.
The approval rate rises to 47%, "the highest since he took office at the White House."
This supports the work the president is doing from the White House, and it supposes an increment since April, when 42% affirmed the same.
However, the investigation also reveals that half of registered voters disapprove Donald Trump’s form of governing.
Also, 65% of interviewed considers that he acts in a way "that is not common in the president of the United States."
At the same time, only 28% believes that he behaves in a "suitable and appropriate manner".
However, according to the interpretation of the Post, the survey shows that Trump has a "narrow path" that could take him to be reelected in the coming elections.
There is a very important lesson here, it would be mistaken to apply on the North American society the same scale of values than to other societies.
When the president acts in an extremely severe fashion against Central American immigrants it causes the applause of those who support him.
Besides causing exasperation among those who favor to aid the human rights.
And that shows its results in public opinion polls.
It helps to understand that more than 50% of the consulted North Americans have a positive approach on measures executed by Trump whose outcome has benefitted the full employment.
Nevertheless, 42% rejects his administration and last October figures went to 46%.
When asked on how much trust Trump deserved for the patched health of his economy, 47% responded that "mostly", while the 48% affirmed that "only a little" or "almost nothing."
At the same time, in the foreign policy area, between 40-55% of the consulted North Americans have a negative opinion about it.
The survey was elaborated through phone interviews between June 28th and last July 1st.
At present there isn’t a fairly believable prognosis on the direction that will follow the 2020 elections.
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