Brett Kavanaugh: Judge or Foul Word?


Brett Kavanaugh: Judge or Foul Word?
Fecha de publicación: 
21 October 2018
Imagen principal: 

The large segmentation that faces the North American society has just gone even deeper.

The New York Times commented, this Saturday, in Washington that the senate appointed Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court of the United States.

This case viewed by some as a victory of the president, ended up with investigations on inappropriate sexual behavior.

As SHERYL GAY STOLBERG wrote, the balance of the voting was 50 in favor and 48 against.

Her article pointed out that while the voting of those legislators was ongoing, in the surroundings of the Capitol demonstrators gathered and were dragged out by police officers of the White House.

While repressed by the police they shouted “This is a stain is in the history of the United States!”, “do you understand?”, yelled a woman, while she finished the voting.

After several discussions, the Republican Party supported the Kavanaugh’s appointing.

Senator Joe Manchin III from West Virginia the only democrat who backed him up.

The final result was no surprise because senators had already pronounced in this regard.

Observers say that this decision will bring serious consequences for the North American society, the Senate and the Supreme Court.

The rejection was huge, after the voting another group of demonstrators sat on the Capitol steps and shouted: “No, no, no!”, next they were restrained by police officer wearing uniform as well as civilian clothes.

Where lies one of the most controversial points in Kavanaugh’s appointing?

Women and survivors of sexual assaults feel powerless because their accusations went unheard.

A crucial moment in the debate was when the republican senator John Cornyn, from Texas in his speech qualified of “mafia tactics” referring to the activists and survivors of sexual assaults.

One of the demonstrators who came face to face with the republican senators shouted: “I am with the survivors”, “this it is a corrupt process!.”

Some of the future colleagues of judge Kavanaugh were concern on the image of the Court, as did judges Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor.

Judge Kagan expressed in Princeton University “people believe that the Court is not politically divided, that should not be an extension of the politics but that somehow should be above it, although that doesn't happen in all cases.”

Judge Kavanaugh will bend, further, the ideological tendency of the court towards the right and will consolidate a rigid conservative majority.

Substituted magistrate, Anthony M. Kennedy, 53 years old, “moderate conservative” could continue in the Court many more years, because of his age.

The Times added that Donald Trump, when appointing Kavanaugh in the Court, fulfilled one of the promises of his electoral campaign, scarce days before the midterm elections.

The newspaper said that the leader has used Kavanaugh process to mobilize the republican far-right and at the same time make fun of Christine Blasey Ford, an academic researcher who accused the judge of raping attempt when they were teenagers.

This case whose testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and published in The Washington Post unleashed waves of accusations that raised an FBI investigation on Kavanaugh’s conduct.

Another of his accusers, Deborah Ramírez, affirmed: “Thirty five years ago, the students of the room chose to laugh and look the other way, while Brett Kavanaugh perpetrated sexual assaults.”

And she added, now “While I see many of the senators speak and vote in the Senate, I feel like am back in Yale, where half of the room is laughing and looking the other way. Only this time, instead of drunken university students, they are the North American senators who deliberately ignore his behavior. This is how we victims get isolated and silenced.”

In his audience at the Senate, Kavanaugh defined Blasey’s accusations as “a calculated and orchestrated political coup.”

The democratic senator Chris Van Hollen, from Maryland said “at the beginning of the process she had doubts and I’m afraid that, in the end, they persist more than ever.”

He added, “Any hope that Kavanaugh is an impartial judge was shattered by his declaration during the last hearing.”

Here it is another example of the Senate in whose hands are important decisions in the political life of the United States.

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