Puerto Rico: Easy servility
As freedom is very expensive and you have to pay a high price to get it, the colonial government of Puerto Rico is trying hard to convince its people to live without it. Later, such government staged a bizarre folderol named plebiscite to pave the way for Puerto Rico to become State number 51 of the United States.
The result is already known. The so-called “trustworthy” Western media boasts the triumph of statehood, but evades it was a Pyrrhic victory. The number of voters was 23% and 97% of them assumed a servile option; in other words, 20% of citizens with the right to vote.
No doubts, it was a conclusive political expression. It was not only a simple abstention; but it showed that people care about Puerto Rico, despite years of political subversion of the Empire to undermine minds.
The process is fragile. This plebiscite has been the less busy of a total of five carried out. The few who attended were supporters of statehood. It certainly generates some doubts, and Washington knows it, since it is clear a deep division.
It was noted that those supporting the political group that summoned the plebiscite, the governmental New Progressive Party (NPP) would attend massively to the ballot box to vote for statehood, but facts tell otherwise.
Governor Ricardo Rosello Nevares pointed out that after the “triumph” of statehood in the voting, he would travel to Washington to notify the results to the US Congress, the White House, and some international bodies.
It is truly embarrassing such behavior. Only 23% of Puerto Ricans registered to vote answered the summoning of the NPP to endorse statehood. It has been the election with the second lowest participation rate in the political history of the country.
It only exceeded in 1% the referendum on the cameral system, held on July 10th 2005, but more citizens voted that time. In 2005, 546 809 of the 2 453 292 citizens voted.
Rosello Nevares and the leaders of Palma celebrated the expected results. The Popular and Democratic Party, the Puerto Rican Independence Party, and other dozens of groups, criticized that the government invested 6.9 million USD in times where the country, due to the mishandling of the authorities of the still Free Associate State, must reorganize a national debt of approximately 69,000 million USD.
We, Puerto Ricans, are sending a strong and clear message to the world. We are demanding the equal rights as American citizens,” confirmed the head of state in a press release.
But in downtown New York, thousands of Puerto Ricans rejected the favorable results of statehood and highlighted their national identity, despite living in the heart of the oppressive Empire.
If these sorts of things were taken seriously, people would laugh in Washington because of the ridiculous number of voters.
However, the very US commissioner in the island —named Resident Commissioner— Jennifer Gonzalez Colon, classified as a success the plebiscite result. The scarce participation of people, in her opinion, is the result of the population decrease in recent years.
She rejected boycott as a political strategy to express upset on the process led by the NPP and cynically added: “in electoral processes, the winning side is the one voting. And we count with those who vote, not the others who rather stay at home.”
Suffice to say they do not look the number of voters, but the real threat of Puerto Rico becoming part of the US, a human race they have treated as inferior.
Translated by Sergio A. Paneque Diaz / Cubasi Translation Staff
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