U.S.-Elections: Will the Worst Win?


U.S.-Elections: Will the Worst Win?
Fecha de publicación: 
3 November 2016
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Most recent polls place Trump and Hillary tied or nearly evenly matched, and the result could be settled in the key States.

There is a conspiracy attempting to push Donald Trump into the White House.

It escalated after several consecutive surveys showed no hopeful victory for him on November 8th.

The Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) clearly is at play, next to sectors of the Department of Justice that are following suit.

Confronted with that reality, key figures within the Democratic Party, including acting President Barack Obama, are overtly striving to stop this contingency.

Most recent polls place Trump and Hillary tied or nearly evenly matched, and the result could be settled in the key States.

Was this perspective looming in most media and experts?

No, they bent on Trumps gradual and continued retreat consolidated after the debate that pitted them last October.

Now, out of the blue surfaced new e-mails having unfavorable content for Hillary.

At the same time, also peculiar, were found sensitive elements in the mobile of the former husband of a close aide of the Democratic candidate.

That was a game changer on the polls, until this Tuesday, "a survey of the Remington Group gave Trump a four-point lead over Hillary".

Hours later, The Washington Post and ABC took this difference to 1% in favor of real estate Tycoon.

Trump wrote in his Twitter account:

"The Washington Post poll made me go up 12 points in a week, precisely when the trickster Hillary exploded."

What he said was mixed with another meaningful curiosity.

The statements of FBI director, James Comey, about the finding of several confidential e-mails on Clinton’s cellphone from Anthony Weiner, the husband of Huma Abedin.

Who is she? The right arm of the Democratic presidential candidate.

Her former husband, Weiner is under investigation for allegedly sending "suggestive" photos to a minor.

But there was an interesting detail to consider when it comes to digging up the truth.

Abedin said on Friday that he "had no idea" how the emails ended up on her husband phone, “who is going through the divorce”.

FBI director wrote on Friday a letter to several senators to inform them what they called the curious discovery.

Both contending teams accelerated their tasks, while States considered favorable to Democrats so far are now considered "battlefronts".

CNN granted Hillary 340 votes for the Electoral College, that is, 70 over the necessary to be elected, while his rival had around 130.

But with new polls, the Democratic candidate only had 272 electoral votes. His Republican contender would have 179 electoral votes, with 87 "in between".

180 degree turn, exactly following the suspicious events that triggered it.

The question rises, would this perhaps be a variant of electoral coup in the United States?

An AFP journalist, Jerome Cartillier, wrote on Tuesday that this week Obama would be devoted almost exclusively to "hunt votes in favor of his former Secretary of State".

The President’s message reads plainly: do it for me, when at the end of his term exhibits what Cartillier calls "a strong popularity".

A comment of the latter anticipates that in his coming domestic tour, the President will strongly praised Hillary and will dart sharp criticism against Trump.

Weeks earlier, recalled the AFP correspondent, joined the black community in the mobilization in favor of the Democratic candidate.

"I would consider a personal insult, after the historic participation in 2008 and 2012, in particular in the heart of the black community, if this community is not moved for this election," he stressed.

A Professor of political science at Princeton University, Julian Zelizer, told the press: "Obama is aware, as well as Hillary’s campaign team, that the Democratic candidate" does not raises overflowing enthusiasm".

Then he said, she knows an electoral victory needs a strong mobilization in her favor by women, young people, blacks, and Hispanics.

Therefore, explained, Obama repeated that the black community should participate in the election, but a fact tumbles over his wishes.

On Wednesday, during a radio show, the head of the White House quoted data from the early voting that took place a few days back.

"I’ll be honest with you. The Latino vote is high. The votes in general are high. But the black vote, right now, is not as solid as it should."

Perhaps this clarifies that, even when it’s not the first time a President is set on a campaign for his succession, the intensity of Obama’s involvement "has no prior equivalent in recent history".

Amid this hectic panorama, hours away from the general elections, the FBI landed a new blow on Hillary’s candidacy.

What did she do now? Published data on a thorny case of Bill Clinton’s Presidency, which has sparked more outrage among Democrats.

She published 129 pages of documents related to a survey of year 2001, the last year in the Clinton administration.

Only a week away from November 8 elections, where Hillary runs for the Presidency.

The documents approach the Marc Rich case, charged with repeated tax evasion pardoned by Bill Clinton, the last day of his presidential mandate, a controversial fact 15 years ago.

The investigation of this amnesty was suspended in 2005 with no charges pressed against the former President.

Observers recalled that the publication of these documents takes place after the FBI chairman, James Comey, announced on October 28th the investigation on new e-mails from Hillary’s private server.

The latter, as it’s known, made significantly thorny the path of the former first lady into the White House.

Plenty of material for another dark story regarding how truly democracy works in this great country.

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