Cuban Minister Urges to Defend Mother Earth''s Rights


Cuban Minister Urges to Defend Mother Earth''s Rights
Fecha de publicación: 
13 October 2015
Imagen principal: 

Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, called the people of the world to defend Mother Earth''s rights the wars and the development of nuclear weapons.

When developing countries of Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean suffer damages due to climate change, but above all, suffer the excesses of predatory capitalism, we call to defend Mother Earth's rights', he said.

In the closing ceremony of the 2nd World Summit on Climate Change in Tiquipaya, Cochabamba, the Cuban Minister recalled that industrialized countries wish to impose on the South American nations unsustainable patterns of consumption and that they should be renewed for a new global economic system.

In this regard he said that at the Paris Climate Change Conference, the South will not accept an agreement that dilute the responsibilities of developed countries.

The Minister said tha Cuba backs the creation of an International Court of Justice in defense of Mother Earth, but warned that the court has to be clean, transparent and democratic, and it could never be a puppet of capitalists.

In his statements, Rodriguez Parrilla reiterated Cuba's support to governments and presidents of Bolivia, Argentina, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil and urged the Alba and CELAC members to fight together against the effects of climate change and opportunistic, selfish capitalism.

Before concluding his speech, he extended to all present a greeting from the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro and from the President of Cuba, Raul Castro.

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